Extra services in your purchase

Change and cancel your ticket

Insure your trip for just €8, allowing you to cancel or change your ticket up to 30 minutes before the departure time of your Avlo train. What changes can you make?

  • Journey date
  • Travel time

Remember! You can only purchase this service at the time you purchase your ticket and you must change the date and time as part of a single operation.

Select your seat

If you would prefer to choose the seat, you can do so at the time you purchase your ticket for just €8.

Add extra luggage

When travelling by Avlo, you can travel with the following luggage, included in the price of your ticket:

  • 1 piece of hand luggage (bag, rucksack, etc.) subject to the following size limitations: 36x27x25 cm, no weight limit
  • 1 suitcase, subject to the following size limitations: 55x35x25 cm, no weight limit

If you need to add 1 additional piece of luggage of larger dimensions, up to a maximum of 85x60x35 cm (or which does not exceed 180 cm in total), you can do so at the time of purchase of your ticket for an additional €10; also online for €15 after you purchase the ticket or directly at the station, at the boarding control point, up to 30 minutes before the departure of your train, for an extra €15.

Extra services in your purchase


Avlo train passengers can enjoy seamless connectivity and the best entertainment contents; download the App PlayRenfe from your mobile device) or connect to the PlayRenfe WiFi network, open playrenfe.renfe.com (from your PC) and choose the option that best suits your needs.

PlayRenfe is the free Wi-Fi and entertainment service that brings you access to exclusive content at speeds of over 300 km/h. Connect to the internet with your devices and make the most of your time. Answer emails, check your social media, chat or choose from the wide range of entertainment content that PlayRenfe offers: live sport, premiere films, series, documentaries, music, books and magazines or games.

Why choose Avlo?


Travel in the easiest possible way, at the best price without compromising on any of the comforts.

Made to measure

Choose your seat, take an extra suitcase... or just kick back, relax and enjoy the trip.

WIFI – Play Renfe

Yes, that's right... stay connected on all Avlo trains!

From the heart of one city to another

The world at your fingertips much faster. Travel between city centres.

@Renfe. All rights reserved.


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